I was thankful that I had a MySpace tracker that worked on my profile when I began seeing an increase in hits to my MySpace profile. I didn’t think too much about it but when I began receiving messages and friend requests from MySpace profiles that had been deleted, I knew that I had a MySpace stalker. I was able to find out who it was using a free MySpace profile tracker and common sense. There are many different MySpace trackers to choose from so check out the list for the best free MySpace tracker.

I started by choosing a free MySpace Tracking program. I followed the instructions and was soon able to see information about who visited my profile, including their IP address. Some MySpace trackers do not show IP addresses so look for one that does.

Using this MySpace tracker, it was then easy to find the IP address of my crazy stalker. I then took that IP address and ran a search on it using Geobytes which is also free.

This gave me the city and state of where this IP address is located. I was able to search the location even further by using Mapquest and the latitude / longitude coordinates provided with Geobytes. When I entered that into mapquest, I was able to narrow it down to a familiar intersection, over 3000 miles away.

Using a free MySpace profile tracker in this case was easy. My stalker ended up being a weird friend of mine who seemed to be obsessed with my life. It may not be this easy for everyone. For instance, when I search the internet at work, I am on a proxy. When I search my own IP address, it shows a location half way across the country. However, it does show the company that I work with. In that case, say you have a MySpace tracker code installed and you find the IP address of your MySpace stalker. If the IP address shows that it is owned by AT&T, and your ex boyfriend works for AT&T, then it may be fair to say that you ex is your profile stalker, but not proven. Other issues arise when your MySpace stalker is using a dynamic IP. Then it may constantly change making it difficult to pinpoint the person with a free MySpace profile tracker.

One of the most asked questions is, "How Can I Track Who Visits My Myspace?" Using a combination of the techniques above, a little patience and common sense, you may be able to catch your MySpace stalker using a free MySpace Tracker that actually works!

**This method of catching your MySpace stalker will not work for everyone.**


Nothing more than Bulletin Spam.

Due to a request from one of our readers, we checked out this "so called" tracker site. . I have seen the link to this site in bulletins. Don't waste your time! This site is nothing more than a link to which we already reviewed.

The site lies to you and tells you that you have to post a bulletin to get the tracker. If you read a little further, you see a link to the profile tracker. When you click that link, it takes you to You never need to post a bulletin. All their bulletin does is get you to post a link back to their site so that other people see their site, repost their bulletin, and continue bulletin spam. This goes back to the idea of making money using ads which is what this site is based around. When you click on their ads, they get paid.

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